Hey Stranger! This present is for you.
The world can be a scary and lonely place, and sometimes it’s hard to believe there’s still good out there. I promise you, there is.
Welcome to The Secret Prezzie Project: a way to inspire hope, spread joy, and connect strangers through presents hidden in plain sight & filled with treasures; all packaged with the care and attention to detail as though it came from a close friend.
If you find one of our presents, share it with the world! Post a photo of your spoils on Instagram and tag us @secretprezzieproject and tag your photo #secretprezzieproject. This project is based in Austin, Texas, but we encourage people to post secret prezzies in their cities using the same hashtags. LET’S MAKE THIS A MOVEMENT!
Have a cool product you want included in a prezzie? We’re always looking to collaborate with businesses that are inclusive of all people, promote a message of love, and believe that we all need to be nice to each other. Email us at: secretprezzieproject@gmail.com