Custom Paper Painting
PLEASE NOTE I book 3-6 months in advance, so there will likely be a delay before your piece is finished. If you have specific timeline needs, please contact me directly at before purchasing and I will quote you an estimated date for completion. I appreciate your patience!
Created from folded paper that’s been glued together and applied to a canvas, these “paintings” are really canvas sculptures.
Want something specific? Why yes, we can! Choose your size and colors, and we’ll create a custom piece for you! *note: these prices do not reflect shipping. Due to the fragile nature of each piece, a custom box must be created to ship each piece, so contact us if a custom shipping quote is needed***
Within 72 hours of purchasing, we will contact you to discuss your desired color palette and vision for your painting!
6 different sizes to choose from (4 square, 2 rectangular)
please include your email at checkout!
Sizing & Pricing:
12x 12”: $280
15 x 30”: $800
20 x 20”: $720
24 x 24”: $940
24 x 36”: $1,600
36 x 36”: $2300
PLEASE NOTE I book 3-6 months in advance, so there will likely be a delay before your piece is finished. If you have specific timeline needs, please contact me directly at before purchasing and I will quote you an estimated date for completion. I appreciate your patience!
Created from folded paper that’s been glued together and applied to a canvas, these “paintings” are really canvas sculptures.
Want something specific? Why yes, we can! Choose your size and colors, and we’ll create a custom piece for you! *note: these prices do not reflect shipping. Due to the fragile nature of each piece, a custom box must be created to ship each piece, so contact us if a custom shipping quote is needed***
Within 72 hours of purchasing, we will contact you to discuss your desired color palette and vision for your painting!
6 different sizes to choose from (4 square, 2 rectangular)
please include your email at checkout!
Sizing & Pricing:
12x 12”: $280
15 x 30”: $800
20 x 20”: $720
24 x 24”: $940
24 x 36”: $1,600
36 x 36”: $2300
PLEASE NOTE I book 3-6 months in advance, so there will likely be a delay before your piece is finished. If you have specific timeline needs, please contact me directly at before purchasing and I will quote you an estimated date for completion. I appreciate your patience!
Created from folded paper that’s been glued together and applied to a canvas, these “paintings” are really canvas sculptures.
Want something specific? Why yes, we can! Choose your size and colors, and we’ll create a custom piece for you! *note: these prices do not reflect shipping. Due to the fragile nature of each piece, a custom box must be created to ship each piece, so contact us if a custom shipping quote is needed***
Within 72 hours of purchasing, we will contact you to discuss your desired color palette and vision for your painting!
6 different sizes to choose from (4 square, 2 rectangular)
please include your email at checkout!
Sizing & Pricing:
12x 12”: $280
15 x 30”: $800
20 x 20”: $720
24 x 24”: $940
24 x 36”: $1,600
36 x 36”: $2300